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A different mouse, an adapted mouse

Bocho Logo
Creative collage of the screens and options offered by Bocho.
2022 3 Months
Branding User interface Wireframing
We designed an interface for a mouse that helps people with reduced mobility to work, play and access all the functionalities of a computer.

Discover Bocho

Is curiosity getting the best of you? We invite you to check out Bocho's Instagram to clear up any doubts and learn more about the technology applied to inclusion.

What is head tracking?

Inclusion and autonomy

Bocho is a mouse with a different design from conventional ones. It is designed so that people with quadriplegia or neurodegenerative disorders can have a more independent user experience.

At Mutanto, we designed the interface for this mouse that works with a webcam and lenses with reflective stickers. The webcam, connected to a computer, detects the sticker and its movements. Thus, the user controls the cursor with head movements.

The objective is to facilitate and expand the functionalities of a computer for people who require a different experience in using the device.
Laptop with a reflective sticker and glasses on the keyboard, with the screen displaying the Bocho interface.

I've been personally working with Mutanto for a couple of years now and I can't stress enough how much I like working with them. Very detail-oriented, great listeners to our "constant" feedback, and out-of-the-box thinkers. In my company, it's now a verb "to Mutantificate something", when you want to make it cooler, well-designed, and up-to-date.It's been a pleasure, and definitely many more things to do together.

Héctor Costa
Co-founder, Bocho Project

A custom interface

Using Bocho

Screen of a laptop with the Bocho interface operational in the system.
We built an interface that permits different configurations and customization modes.

The main component of the UI is a wheel, which is made up of different icons. Each icon represents a function: left click, double click, right click and scroll.

Bocho allows you to configure shortcuts, the size of the interface on the screen and the response speed, with the aim of successfully adapting to each person's use.

How does it look?

Bocho in action

Bocho's interface adapts to the computer and is integrated as another component of the screen. Once calibrated, it is ready to use.
Mockup of a laptop with the operational Bocho interface during the onboarding process for users.

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