Mutanto Web: UIX/UX/ Web Desing
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Who are we?

People designing for people

The fantabulous


We ensure that every corner of the digital world becomes easier and more beautiful. Our balanced mix of thinkers and design planners works to satisfy and improve people's quality of life.

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Our little faces

Team mentality, ALWAYS

Josefina Colombero Josefina Colombero
Josefina Colombero
Founder - Team Leader
Industrial Designer UX Research Project Manager
Giuli Rébori Giuli Rébori
Giuli Rébori
Founder - Concept Designer
Industrial Designer UI Designer Graphic Designer
Emmanuel B. Mercado Emmanuel B. Mercado
Emmanuel B. Mercado
Founder - UI / UX Director
Industrial Designer UX Strategic Visual Designer
Catalina Bustos Catalina Bustos
Catalina Bustos
Graphic designer
Social Media Designer Branding Visual Designer
Lucia Zanotti Lucia Zanotti
Lucia Zanotti
UI Designer
Graphic Designer UI Motion Visual Designer
Eliana Bresso Eliana Bresso
Eliana Bresso
UI Designer
Visual designer Prototyper Figma Systems Architect
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Our values

We are a team...



Curious by nature, we embrace the chaos of innovation. We navigate seas of ideas, unleash boundless creativity, and launch experiments into space. Discovery is our mischief, making every day exciting!😄 🌟

A designer doing a handstand in the Mutanto office while two designers support him to demonstrate strength and agility.


There are no secrets here, only clarity. We share information like confetti, communicate like Zen masters, and build trust with every word. Our transparency lays the foundation for success. 💥🚀

The Mutant team squeezed together and making faces behind a transparent glass


Here, there are no secrets, only clarity. We handle information with confidence, communicate transparently, and trust with every word. Our transparency lights the path to success. 🎊 🥹

Digital composition featuring various elements such as team photos and phrases representative of the Mutant spirit in the brand's graphic style.